Creator, Filmmaker, Asset Manager, Real Estate Advisor & Investor

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Invite Bill to inspire, empower and lead your event or organization on a transformative journey to elevate their leadership and vision.

Bill’s journey from Film Producer to Real Estate Investor to Best-Selling Author and Podcaster is a testament to his unwavering innovation and business acumen.

I actively seek opportunities to impart social change through through my investments in both real estate and the arts.

A seasoned real estate investor and broker for two decades, Bill Bymel currently serves as CEO of First Lien Capital LP, a privately owned distressed mortgage investment platform he founded, which owns over 700 residential mortgages and REO in over 30 states valued at greater than $100 million.

Win Win Revolution
Win-Win Revolution is an essential guide for anyone who may be interested in the NPL market or who is concerned about ethical issues surrounding mortgage servicing. Filled with valuable information and insights, this book covers a host of different scenarios and provides blueprints for creating no-lose solutions that will benefit all parties involved.
Bill Bymel understands that default and foreclosure is not a game. It affects families and futures. The true stories and successes he describes in Win-Win Revolution are proof positive that doing the right thing can also be very smart business.