During our conversation, we delved into Bill’s extensive background and experience in the realm of real estate investing. His wealth of knowledge in this field is truly impressive.

Bill’s approach to working with distressed borrowers also stood out. His unique perspective on assisting those facing challenges in the real estate market is both innovative and compassionate.

Furthermore, we explored how Bill is at the forefront of revolutionizing the industry with forward-thinking strategies that are reshaping traditional real estate investing.

Of course, like any market, there are challenges, and we discussed the current obstacles faced by Bill and others in the industry. It’s a dynamic landscape that requires adaptability.

Looking to the future, Bill shared insightful perspectives on where the real estate market is headed. His vision for what’s to come is both exciting and thought-provoking.

We also delved into the intricacies of raising capital, a fundamental aspect of the business, and Bill’s experiences shed light on the complexities involved.

Lastly, Bill’s discipline in saying no to easy capital is a testament to his strategic approach and his commitment to long-term success. It’s a quality that sets him apart in the industry.

These were just a few of the captivating topics we explored during our conversation, showcasing Bill’s expertise and insightful outlook on real estate investing.

If you’d like more information or are an accredited investor interested in investing with First Lien Capital LP please connect with Bill at bill@firstliencapital.com or go to firstliencapital.com and press the INVEST button to be contacted by their team.

Want to read the full show notes of the episode? Check it out here: https://brickeninvestmentgroup.com/unlocking-success-in-the-distressed-mortgage-market/#.

What Our Listeners Are Saying

Worth the time

by Musli!

The podcast by Bill is always interesting and insightful, and there's always much to learn from them about all facets of real estate.

Great insights!


Bill is a pro and brings on guests that expand the conversation even more. This is a smart and insightful podcast that will help anyone from a casual listener to a well versed finance pro. Thanks Bill!

Packed with real world advice!


I always pick up tips from this show. I like that host, Bill Bymel uses real world examples and his experiences to get his point across. The guests are also top notch.

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