CAP Rates are a tool to measure pricing in real estate investments.  The lower the market capitalization rate for a piece of investment-grade real estate, the higher the price.  For both commercial and residential real estate, CAP Rates have hovered at historical lows, primarily due to low interests and an excess of cash in the system.  Now that rates are rising, it could cause a grand devaluation in real estate.

To learn more, visit: http://billbymel.com/

Listen to more episodes on Mission Matters: https://missionmatters.com/author/bill-bymel/

What Our Listeners Are Saying

Worth the time

by Musli!

The podcast by Bill is always interesting and insightful, and there's always much to learn from them about all facets of real estate.

Great insights!


Bill is a pro and brings on guests that expand the conversation even more. This is a smart and insightful podcast that will help anyone from a casual listener to a well versed finance pro. Thanks Bill!

Packed with real world advice!


I always pick up tips from this show. I like that host, Bill Bymel uses real world examples and his experiences to get his point across. The guests are also top notch.

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